Front page image by Keelan O’Hehir

For their most recent release, Picture of an Environment, the duo of Sandra Selig and Leighton Craig utilize large, moving sonic vignettes to develop an ephemeral narrative spread throughout 5 pieces. “Picture IV” meanders through altering landscapes with a hypnotic piano plan, and spread improvisational pieces are woven into the areas in between. Rich, natural tones echo and await the range as Primitive Movement record an illusory environment with no reverb or hold-up. Selig’s voice hovers cloudlike with an impermanent edge dissecting the tune’s spirit to keep the acoustic motion purposeful and sharp. There’s an untroubled focus and energy throughout, recorded and buoyed by the video’s altering images, revealing a side to this excellent job that’s concurrently brand-new and familiar.

Picture of an Environment will be launched on March 17 by A Guide to Saints. Pre-order HERE.

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