Eve Maret’s sonic universes constantly shock me. She merges diverse threads from the cosmic layers and rhythms surrounding us, connecting them together with extensive themes. Her most current album, Earth and Area, is sonically abundant and immersive and moves on psychological waves that fill every chord development and arpeggio. It’s a sensational, remarkable record.

Maret states this mix is a choice of tunes that influenced Earth and Area and listening to both starts to link numerous dots.

Cin– Jan Jelinek & & Masayoshi Fujita
Why Do You Love Me?– Cocteau Twins & & Harold Budd
Quia Ergo Femina Mortem Instruxit– Hildegard von Bingen
Kaze– Tetsu Inoue
Equatorial Dawn– Pauline Anna Strom
IHS– Alice Coltrane
Lamento– Irene Papas & & Vangelis
Irden– Harald Zuschrader & & Hubert Bognermayr
Strolling and Falling– Laurie Anderson
Deep Range– Ashra
Peace in Essaouira (For Sonny Sharrock)– Maleem Mahmoud Ghania & & Pharoah Sanders

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