Tag: Retrospectives

Switching up your retrospectives? Think again.

[vimar_seo_links] Among the greatest errors that I see brand-new Agile groups (or groups at scale)…

Animez vos rétrospectives à distance | Scrum master

[vimar_seo_links]s="edgtf-post-title" Animez vos rétrospectives à range Vous serez en télé-travail lors de vos prochaines rétrospectives,…

Book launch- Retrospectives for everyone!

[vimar_seo_links] Hey There Everybody, Hope you are all succeeding in these Covid times! At the…

What to expect in the book- “Retrospectives for Everyone”

Thi[vimar_seo_links]s book is meant for everybody who wants to check and adjust. I would state…

Shorter and fewer Retrospectives, please

Form[vimar_seo_links]erly I have actually asked my group my group for feedback. I was amazed that…